My work is an exploration about emptiness, fragility and imperfection.
ÀLEX REIG (Barcelona, 1969) - ENG -
Artist in residence workshop (paintings and drawings) conducted by the artist Hernandez Pijuan. Centre de producció artística de Sabadell “La Nau” (2001).
Blowing glass workshop training. Edinburgh College of Art (1999).
Degree in sculpture. Escola d’Arts i Oficis Llotja de Barcelona (1999).
Architectural glass Degree. Escola d’Art en vidre de la Fundació Centre del Vidre de Barcelona (1997-1999).
Graphic Design Studies. Escola Municipal d’Art de Sabadell, Illa (1993-1995).
Film screening of “Hands on Glass 2: Quim i Txell” at Mostra International d’Audiovisuals d’Artesania (On the Road) in Poble Espanyol, Barcelona (Spain), November 2023
Film screening of “Hands on Glass: Elina Salonen” at Mostra International d’Audiovisuals d’Artesania (On the Road) in Mataró (Spain), November 2022
TV Broadcast of “Hands on Glass 2: Quim i Txell” and “Hands on Glass: Elina Salonen” in Fibracat TV (Spain, November 2022)
II Mostra Internacional d’Audiovisuals d’Artesania de Catalunya, featured online streaming in FILMIN (Barcelona, October 2020)
I Mostra Internacional d’Audiovisuals d’Artesania, MACBA Auditorium, (Barcelona, 2019)
"The Indie For You" (OnLine) Film Festival Official Selection, 2020
3rd prize in the "12 Months Film Festival -International Competition-" as best documentary of the month 2020
3er Festival de Cinema Natura de Cervelló 2020
Film screening of documentary “Elina Salonen - Hands On Glass”, Taidekasarmi, Hämeenlinna (Finland, 2019)
Official Selection of documentary “Elina Salonen - Hands On Glass”, I Mostra Internacional d’Audiovisuals d’Artesania, MACBA Auditorium, (Barcelona, 2019) Spain
Video Performance at CEPA, Ciclo Experimental de Propuestas Artísticas. Auditorium Centro Cultural El Sauzal. (Tenerife, 2015) Spain
Video installation in group show “Ànimes”. Sant Jeroni De la Murtra Monastery. (Badalona, 2012) Spain
Video show “III Muestra de Cine y Desarrollo Sostenible” RECICLAMADRID 2011. XI Semana de la Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid. Cosmo Caixa, Alcobendas (Madrid) Spain
Farbstich Tattoomagazin (Germany, 2017)
Semperoper 2016–2017 - Dresden Opera House, Germany - (Removable magazine)
Philosophie Magazin (Germany, 2016) -December-
Photography group exhibition RECICLAMADRID 2010. X Semana de la Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid. Cosmo Caixa, Alcobendas (Madrid) Spain"Contraris" photography/poetry book, VERS REVERS. Ed.Edimurtra, 2012
Commissioned work (interior design photography 2008-2014) in Barcelona for: Audi, Nespresso, Unilever, Media Pro, Akzo Nobel, Esade, T-Systems, Comet, Gambro, Planinter Showroom (Barcelona)
Glass sculpture group exhibition “ L’Eròtica del Vidre”. Sala d’exposicions de Caixa Laietana. (Mataró, 2008) Spain
Glass sculpture selected by New Glass Review 29 / The Corning Museum of Glass. (Corning, New York 2008) USA
Sculpture group exhibition. Selected by Premi d’Escultura contemporània 2007, Fundació Vila Casas. (Palafrugell, 2007) Spain
Sculpture group exhibition “Futur i procés” Fine Arts Academy (Sabadell, 2005) Spain
Paintings and drawings solo exhibition al Centre de Creació i Producció artística “la Nau” (Sabadell, 2004) Spain
Painting Group exhibition “Originales Solidarios” Casa Ametller (Barcelona, 2003) Spain
Glass sculpture group exhibition “Paisatges. Vidre de Finlàndia i Espanya” Espai Vidre Gallery (Barcelona, 2003) Spain
Collective Exhibition of International Contemporary Stained Glass “Nou Vitrall”. Col·legi d’Arquitectes i Aparelladors de Barcelona. (Barcelona, 2003) Spain
Paintings and poetry group exhibition, “25+25 no fan 50”. Alliance Française, Casa Taulé (Sabadell, 2002) Spain
Glass sculpture group exhibition “GLAZICHTENUITBARCELONA”. Artenivo Gallery (Bruges, 2002) Belgium
Sculpture, paintings and drawings solo exhibition “REHABITACIONS”. Alliance Française, Casa taulé (Sabadell, 2002) Spain
Paintings and drawings solo exhibition Centre de Creació i Producció Artística “ La Nau” (Sabadell, 2002) Spain
Sculpture traveling group exhibition “Cent anys de Creu Roja a Sabadell” (Sabadell, 2002) Spain
European Meeting of Sculpture. International group exhibiton “Association Espace Bourdelle” (Montauban, 2001) France
Glass sculpture group exhibition “vidre plà/ float glass” Espai Vidre Gallery (Barcelona, 2001) Spain
Stained glass and sculpture group exhibition “10è aniversari CVB” Espai Vidre Gallery (Barcelona, 1999) Spain
Sculpture group exhibition Sala Lola Anglada (Barcelona,1998) Spain
Sculpture group exhibition Principal Gallery (Barcelona,1997) Spain
Sabadell Art Museum (Spain)
Red Cross Sabadell, Foundation (Spain)
Banc of Sabadell (Spain)
Rakow Research Library. Corning Museum Of Glass (New York, USA)
Works in private collections in New York and Switzerland